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Muhammad Ashraful Habib.png

Muhammad Ashraful Habib

Participatory On-Farm Evaluations and Selection on Genotype-Environment Interaction and Stability Analysis of Yield and Yield-Related Traits of Selected Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.)

AUTHOR: Muhammad Ashraful Habib, Swati Nayak, Saidul Islam, Biswajit Karmakar, Md. Safiul Islam Afrad , Mohammad Nazmul Islam

Session 5

Catriona Millen

Learnings from a Nation-Wide Extension Program Operating Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

AUTHORS: C.A. Millen, B.W. Gudex, P.J. Williams & S.J. Skinner

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Clare Edwards

‘iSPY with my little eye’ – how to engage communities in pandemic times

AUTHORS: Edwards C1, Wray A1, Hogan E2 and Jones C1. 1.Central Tablelands Local Land Services 2. South East Local Land Services (previously with Central Tablelands Local Land Services)

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Nicole Reichelt

Using deliberative processes with Stakeholders in the design of extension approaches: the case of virtual herding technology

AUTHORS: Nicole Reichelt and Ruth Nettle

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Pest alert: Trailblazing pest and disease surveillance across the peri-urban vegetable sector

AUTHORS: Madeleine Quirk

Madeleine Quirk

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Sophie Folder

Motivating users of online communication tools to on farm practice change – FutureBeef case study

AUTHORS: Sophie Folder, Nicole Sallur, Kimbal Curtis and Alex Ball 

Dr Mary Johnson 

Livelihood improvement through facilitated extension (LIFE) model

AUTHOR: Dr Mary Johnson and Clinton Muller

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Libby Heard

Planning through change- adapting delivery of "Our Farm Our Plan" during Covid19 and beyond

AUTHOR: Libby Heard

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Bruce Hancock

Stimulating private sector extension in a redmeat supply chain

AUTHORS: Bruce Hancock, Jacqui Knee, Mark Inglis, Nicole Reichelt

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Col Freeman

Enabling behaviour change: for them and us!

AUTHORS: Tiffany Doman, Col Freeman, Clare McDougal, Kath McGloughlin

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Gillian Paxton

Applying social science theory for enhanced strategic engagement under the Queensland Reef Water Quality Program

AUTHORS: Gillian Paxton, Jeff Coutts, & Niall Connolly

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Shakira Johnson

Sentinels without borders: how a global pandemic inspired the diversification of iMapPESTS’s mobile surveillance suite

AUTHORS:Shakira Johnson, Rohan Kimber, Brendan Rodoni, Nicole Thompson, Dean Brookes, Dusty Severtson

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Van Touch

Agricultural extension for smallholding farmers: Lessons from Northwest Cambodia

AUTHOR: Van Touch, Paula Satizábal 

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Noel Ainsworth

Engaging virtual meetings

AUTHOR: Noel Ainsworth and John Agnew

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Danielle England

Motivating users of online communication tools to on farm practice change – FutureBeef case study

AUTHORS: Danielle England

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Gordon Rogers

Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection vegetable industry extension project: A new and effective way of delivering extension

AUTHORS: Gordon Rogers, Anne-Maree Borland, Pieter Van Nieuwenhuyse and Carl Larson

Catriona Millen

Learnings from a nation-wide extension program operating through the COVID-19 pandemic

AUTHORS: C.A. Millen, B.W. Gudex, P.J. Williams & S.J. Skinner

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Clare Edwards

‘iSPY with my little eye’ – how to engage communities in pandemic times

AUTHORS: Edwards C1, Wray A1, Hogan E2 and Jones C1. 1.Central Tablelands Local Land Services 2. South East Local Land Services (previously with Central Tablelands Local Land Services)

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Muhammad Ashraful Habib

Participatory on-farm evaluations and selection on genotype-environment interaction and stability analysis of yield and yield-related traits of selected rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.)

AUTHOR: Muhammad Ashraful Habib, Swati Nayak, Saidul Islam, Biswajit Karmakar, Md. Safiul Islam Afrad , Mohammad Nazmul IslamHutchison 

NIcole Reichelt - Nicole Reichelt.jpg

Nicole Reichelt

Using deliberative processes with Stakeholders in the design of extension approaches: the case of virtual herding technology

AUTHOR: Nicole Reichelt and Ruth Nettle

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Craig Elliott

More than a biosecurity sign - increasing adoption of property biosecurity plans

AUTHORS: Craig Elliott

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Jo Hargreaves

Adopting an adoption strategy – how the wine industry is embracing complexity for a perfect blend

AUTHORS: Jo Hargreaves

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Carl Larsen

Virtual field days – Lessons from forced transition

AUTHORS: Carl Larsen, Dimi Kyriakou, Kelvin Montagu, Stuart Grigg & Bonnie Dawson

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Alex Russell

Scaling of the whole-family extension approach in Pakistan: an institutional logics perspective

AUTHOR: Alex Russell

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Md. Safiul Islam Afrad

Livelihood Status of Floating Market Stakeholders at Wazirpur Upazila under Barishal District

AUTHOR: Md. Safiul Islam Afrad, Md. Shahol Rana, Md. Enamul Haque, Kazi Tamim Rahman, Muhammad Ziaul Hoque

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Dr Lizzy Lowe

Understanding knowledge and attitudes relating to redlegged earth mite to improve insecticide resistance management

AUTHORS: Dr Lizzy Lowe, Leo McGrane, Dr Michael Santhanam-Martin

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Brad Pfeffer

Using structured messaging to assist with grower decisions in complex environments

AUTHORS: Brad Pfeffer, Amanda Thomas, Paul Grundy, Warwick Waters

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Alexandra Hicks

Business coaching: Giving 144 farmers skills to build resilience to future droughts

AUTHORS: Alexandra Hicks

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Sylvia Jelinek

Going with the flow when everything is a disaster'

AUTHORS: Sylvia Jelinek


Deepa Roy

Behavioural science insights into improving the adoption of conservation agricultural technologies in the eastern Gangetic plains

AUTHOR: Deepa Roy, Sk Mahidur Rahaman, Md Istique Asif, Ashish Kumar Mojumdar, Surya Prasad Adhikari, Roy Murray-Prior, Maria Fay Rola-Rubzen


Amlan Biswas

Miller-farmer preference in selecting promising rice varieties in Bangladesh

AUTHOR: Md. Safiul Islam Afrad, Amlan Biswas, Muhammad Ziaul Hoque, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, M. Ashraful Habib, Swati Nayak, Saidul Islam

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Angela J Dean

Understanding how psychological factors influence adoption of sustainable agricultural practices

AUTHORS: Angela J Dean, Rachel Eberhard, Umberto Baresi, Anthea Coggan, Felicity Deane, Evan Hamman, Kate Helmstedt, Barton Loechel, Diane Jarvis, Helen Mayfield, Lillian Stevens, Bruce Taylor, Karen Vella

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Sarah Wallis

Young farmer and new entrant mentoring program

AUTHORS: Sarah Wallis


Abstracts Day One
Thursday 10 February 2022

Session 1
Session 2
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Jeff Coutts

Essential elements to build greater ‘buy in’ and extend the reach in Reef extension programs

AUTHORS: Coutts J., Connolly N., Paxton G., Long P; Samson A and Coutts B

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Dave Gerner

Breaking Barriers to Adoption in AgTech with Practical Grower-lead Demonstration

AUTHORS: Dave Gerner

Josephine Caffery - Jo Caffery.jpg

Josephine Caffery

Gender-equitable agricultural extension through women and youth engagement in Papua New Guinea

AUTHOR: Josephine Caffery, Kusunan Kurika

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Natacha Hes

"Agriculture Training" - interesting, interactive and inclusive during the COVID19 pandemic

AUTHOR: Natacha Hes

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Kelvin Montagu

Coaching clinics as an effective extension tool bringing researchers and growers together

AUTHORS: Kelvin Montagu, Darren Long, Pieter Van Nieuwenhuyse, Gordon Rogers

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Jana-Axinja Paschen

Supporting community resilience in cotton growing regions

AUTHORS: Jana-Axinja Paschen, Marg Ayre, Ruth Nettle

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Zara Hall

Diamondback moth management in brassicas - a whole of industry response to a major production challenge

AUTHORS: Zara Hall

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Mark Sloan

Accelerating the trial and adoption of AgTech on Victorian farms

AUTHORS: Phillip Guthrie, Mark Sloan, Yan Lai

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Ngo Thi Thanh Huong

Feminist Approaches to Agricultural Research & Extension

AUTHOR: Huong Ngo Thi Thanh, Rochelle Spencer, Jane Hutchison 

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 Cynthia Mahoney

Facilitating Standout On-Line Experiences: Busting myths and mindsets about on-line delivery

AUTHOR: Cynthia Mahoney and Andrew Huffer

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Nicole McDonald

Planning and designing a skilled pathway for talent development in Gippsland agriculture and agrifood industries

AUTHORS: Amy Cosby and Nicole McDonald

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Carl Walters

30-years of creating healthy environments in the Shepparton Irrigation Region

AUTHORS: Carl Walters, Megan McFarlane and Kelvin Bruce 

Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
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