Abstracts Day Two
Friday 11 February 2022
Jemma Pearl
Podcasts as a medium to facilitate farmer-to-farmer learning
AUTHORS: Jemma Pearl, Kellyanne Harris
Roy Murray-Prior
Some complexities and solutions from behavioural science when promoting behaviour change in smallholder farming systems
AUTHORS: Roy Murray-Prior, Maria Fay Rola-Rubzen, Rene Villano, Jon Marx P Sarmiento
Wycliffe Oyunga
Understanding the engagement dynamics among collaborating organizations: A case study of the pluralistic AES in Kenya
AUTHOR:Wycliffe Oyunga, Prof. Ruth Nettle, Dr. Margaret Ayre, Dr. Michael Santhanam-Martin
Mertijn Moeyersons
How does the supportive environment influence strategic decisions by farmers in Flemish horticulture?
AUTHOR: Mertijn Moeyersons, Erik Mathijs
Adam Barker
A method to estimate the impact of extension programmes on economic, environmental, and social outcomes.
AUTHORS: Adam Barker, Denise Bewsell, Vaughan Wilson
Terry Parminter
Making the Link: Water Quality and Farm Planning
AUTHORS: Terry Parminter and Christine Finnigan
Tracy Nelson
Bringing utilisation-focused evaluation into effect in virtual workshops
AUTHORS: Tracy Nelson and Gina Lucci
Molly O'Dea
The role of agricultural industry professionals in raising the aspirations for careers in agriculture
AUTHORS: Molly O'Dea, Amy Cosby, Jaime Manning, Nicole McDonald, Bobby Harreveld
Dr. Jay A Cummins
A grounded theory approach to understanding motivation of young professionals in developing and developed countries
AUTHOR: Jay A Cummins
Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen
Building a strong Knowledge and Innovation system for Beekeeping in Sweden with a global perspective
AUTHOR: Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen, Magnus Ljung and Nadarajah Sriskandarajah (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
Roxanne Henwood
Introducing sustainability transition concepts to support public research to address complex agri-food challenges
AUTHORS: Roxanne Henwood, Helen Percy, Penny Payne, Talia Hicks, Alvaro Romera, Martin Espig, and James Turner
Sarah McIntosh
Global connectivity for a global extension team
AUTHORS: Sarah McIntosh
David McGill
Innovation brokers in the developing country context
AUTHORS: David McGill, Margaret Ayre & Hassan Warriach
Lisa Doi Rayner
Application of the Work Assessment Method (WAM) to Australian mixed cropping and sheep enterprises
AUTHORS: Rayner, Santhanam-Martin & Nettle
Dr Mary Johnson
Building trust in new relationships in the age of zoom; lessons from a tri-national project
AUTHOR: Dr Mary Johnson, RMIT University and Clinton Muller, RMCG
Jane Wightman
When do we know investment in extension has been worthwhile?
AUTHOR: Jane Wightman, Bron Walsh, Adrian Englefield, Olive Hood, Jason Hingston, Jay Cummins
Karen Thomas
Natural capital accounting for eco-credentials
AUTHORS: Karen Thomas
Callen Thompson
Are podcasts a useful extension tool for practice change?
AUTHORS: Callen Thompson
Lee-Ann Monks
Dairy farmer perceptions of heifer genomics
AUTHORS: Lee-Ann Monks, Beth Scott, Stephanie Bullen, Michelle Axford
Danielle England
Building Pastoral Sustainability Property Management Planning Program impact assessment
AUTHOR: Danielle England
Ogochukwu Anozie
Coping strategies for Covid 19 pandemic among leafy vegetable farmers in Epe local government area of Lagos State
AUTHOR: Anozie, O., Igwe, M, C and Koyenikan, M. J.
Olive Hood
Co-design to put the merry back into MERI
AUTHORS: Olive Hood and Adrian Englefield
Robert Hassett
GRASS and LCAT—Supporting extension with innovatively collected land condition data and results
AUTHORS: Robert Hassett; Matt Brown
Cynthia Mahoney
Cultivate: Behaviours rural leaders need to thrive in tomorrow's world
AUTHORS: Cynthia Mahoney
Warwick Waters
CottonInfo’s development of a low-cost system for adoption and impact monitoring and evaluation
AUTHORS: Warwick Waters, Ben Simpson
Shakir Nuruzzaman
Women led community-based rice seed entrepreneurship model in Bangladesh: current status, challenges and opportunities
AUTHOR: Md. Safiul Islam Afrad, Nuruzzaman, Md. Enamul Haque, Mashrat Jahan , Muhammad Ashraful Habib , Swati Nayak, Saidul Islam
Md Kamruzzaman
How can extension services facilitate learning to help the farming sector adapt to flash flooding?
AUTHOR: Md Kamruzzaman, Katherine Anne Daniell, Ataharul Chowdhury
Natalie Jones
Knowledge and information exchange within regenerative networks in south east Queensland
AUTHORS: Natalie Jones
Callum Fletcher
Solving the collaboration conundrum – a meaningful approach to improving industry and government collaboration in biosecurity
AUTHORS: Callum Fletcher
Maifur Jahan Oishi
Impact ecosystem management and rural development in Dagonbhuiyan upazila under Feni district
AUTHOR: Md. Safiul Islam Afrad, Maifur Jahan Oishi, Md. Abdur Razzaque, Md. Abul Hossain Molla
Md Kamruzzaman
Factors influencing the organizational capacity of Extension services to support adaptation to flash flooding
AUTHOR: Md Kamruzzaman, Katherine Anne Daniell, Ataharul Chowdhury
Donna Lucas
Carbon farming – are extension professionals ready?
AUTHORS: Donna Lucas, Carl Larsen, Dr Doris Blaesing, Clinton Muller, Ossie Lang
Rachele Osmond
Webinars applauded by the chicken meat industry
AUTHORS: Felicity McIntosh, Rachele Osmond and Jillian Templeton
Tanzina Tazmim Tani
Perceived impact of rice seed production, processing and distribution training on the stakeholders in Bangladesh
AUTHOR: Md. Safiul Islam Afrad, Tanzina Tazmim Tani, Foyez Ahmed Prodhan, Md. Arifur Rahman Khan, M. Ashraful Habib, Swati Nayak, Saidul Islam
Tanjina Parven
Dealer-customer partnership in rice production demonstration: assessment of private extension system in Bangladesh
AUTHOR: Md. Safiul Islam Afrad, Amlan Biswas, Muhammad Ziaul Hoque, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, M. Ashraful Habib, Swati Nayak, Saidul Islam